The General Secretary, Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA),Rev. Ayuba Asheshe has called on religious leaders to shun inciting sermons that will disunite the people instead should preach peace and massages that will promote unity among all and sundry.

The cleric lamented that  inciting sermons and massages are largely responsible for the insecurity and crisis that the state and the nation at large is facing.

Rev.Asheshe made this known in an interaction with the media in his office at ECWA Headquarters Jos.

Responding on the journey so far ever since in office as general secretary of ECWA so far, Rev Ayuba Asheshe acknowledged, it is very challenging and he is grateful and eternally grateful to God Almighty for giving him the opportunity to serve as the secretary of ECWA.

He said, "new things everyday and the experience is quite interesting. It is a learning process and is a period of learning, and am learning new thing everyday and is quite interesting."

On ECWA women fellowship international week of prayers,
Rev Ayuba commended women for their stewardship, resilience and doggedness for standing strong. According to him, "ECWA women fellowship has done so much empowerment for the rural women when he was asked what has ECWA done to empower the rural women.

" ECWA women fellowship has done so many activities worthy of commendation, He said it infact without them many things in ECWA will not work, their commitment and resilience can not be quantify in relation to empowerment in the rural areas, he cited an example of ECWA women fellowship bukuru DCC who has empowered some rural women for example a village in Jos East local government area called nisen they farm cassava mainly in that area and the women fellowship ECWA DCC Bukuru bought cassava processing machine which was donated to them and they rural women use it to process their cassava in which they produce gari and the rest and that has really help them in economics development, “And the empowerment alone has really boost the economic activities in that village because they can now process and sale gari and other items they produce, and several DCC’s are also involved in one activities of empowerment or the other he just cited one out of over 93 DCC.

Rev Ayuba also spoke about the church and politics, according to him that can not be separated because humans are all politicians because even at home we do politics with our families, “husband’s do politics with their wives and children because you have to persuade them on one thing or the other and wives also do same, he cited an example when the missionaries came they told us that politics is a dirty game but as christian we should be the ones that will clean it he cited an example of christian should be the detergent and water to wash the dirtiness of the politics, and as a child of God separate your spirituality and politics, even dough we apply politics in our lives in one way or the other.

Rev. Ayuba also advice clergy’s on the sermons the preach while on the pulpit their massage should always be clear depending on how you preach it, do you pass it appropriately, a pastor should main or neutrally as a pastor according to him all this matters a lot when you preach in the church or congregation, he also called on religious leaders mostly pastors not to involved themselves in political parties or politics that will cause division in the church and the body of Christ because the implication is that members will turn against themselves and the people will be disunited over interest and political affiliations which is very destructive to the church.

He said religious leaders should serve as unifying factor and to be seen uniting the people not disuniting them, he talked about preaching inciting sermons and massages in worship places religious leaders should be seen preaching peace because even Jesus Christ and prophet Muhammed preach peace and all their followers should also learn from that and preach peace, because preaching inciting sermons or massages is what is causing insecurity in the country and the inciting massages has cause so many damages even in government institutions because if you don’t belong to the same faith with them they don’t assist but when all religious leaders preach peace and love for one another the insecurity we see will be the thing of the pass.

Speaking further Rev. Asheshe said ECWA missionaries have done very well in preaching the gospel of Christ the AEAES which was the former name when the missionaries came is now changed to EMS for effective work and as he speaking ECWa missionaries are in Israel, UK, European countries, and in Africa doing the work and preaching the massage of Christ and the result as been so encouraging as most of them go down to the wilderness forest and deep rural areas to preach the gosple they leave their eat what they eat drink the same water even dough is not hygienic for them but to make sure that the massage of Christ is preach and pass to them to receive Jesus as their lord and savior, he said the evangelic work of ECWA has been so good as the EMS director and the team are doing a good work in impacting in the lives of unbelievers bringing them to Christ.

And concerning the insecurity being faced in the state and in extensions the country at large Rev. Ayuba said the security agencies had the machinery in place to tackle it the members of the security agencies should be professional and remember the took an oath and unless this is done and the work fairless without any religion sentiment the insecurity will continue, he used the opportunity to call on the government and the security chiefs to do their work deligently and save the nation.