The chairman, Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Plateau State Council, Mrs Ayuku Pwaspo have tasked executive members of the Women Wing of Christian Association of Nigeria (WOWICAN) to strictly adhere and uphold to their calling and be good ambassadors in the society.

Pwaspo gave the admonition on Wednesday when the newly elected executive members of WOWICAN led by its chairperson, Mrs. Sarah Dalut paid a courtesy visit at the NUJ Secretariat, Jos to seek for collaboration with the media.

while congratulating them for peaceful conduct of relections, the NUJ Chairman acknowledged it is the first time WOWICAN is identifying with NUJ. 

"As mothers in the society, it is our duty to always transmit good virtues to our wards for their well being and the society in general. If you go Internally displaced persons (IDPs) camp what you found out there are mostly women and children.

"Let strive to speak against gender violence meted on women and children, let speak against drug abused which has become rampant among the youth. 

"While seeking for collaboration with organizations, it is paramount you should champion the course of empowering the women so that women can be able to stand for themselves in the society taking into cognizant the current food crisis ravaging Nation. 

NUJ chairman assured WOWICAN that the door of the council is widely open for collaboration with any entity that are ready to inject meaningful development to the state and Nigeria as a whole.

Chairperson WOWICAN, Mrs Sarah Dalut said the role of media cannot be over emphasized, hence the need for them to work in collaboration and synergy with media achieved their set goals.

According to her, " we are here to seek for your collaboration and partnership to enable us propagate the plight of women and children on the Plateau. Most often times women and children were vulnerable, and at the disadvantage position when it comes to attacks and crisis situations.

"Therefore, were working assiduously to build women both physically and spiritually", she stated.