By  Israel Adamu, Jos 

Chairman of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) in Plateau state  Dr Bapigaan Audu , has expressed worry over quackery in the medical profession in the Nation stressing that Government at all levels should make concerted efforts to tackle the menance. 

Speaking on Wednesday  in Jos the Plateau State capital, during the Annual General Meeting/ Scientific Conference organised by the Nigerian Medical Association, Plateau State chapter, he said, “Quackery in medicine is a source of worry to registered practitioners because they play on the gullibility of the public. "

In his words " The theme of this AGM titled Patient Advocacy and interdisciplinary collaboration in combating the meance of medical quackery is apt and carefully chosen to raise the consciousness of the public on the damaging effects of medical quackery.

He  also called  for necessary actions from the Government of Plateau state and the relevant security and regulatory agencies. 

"The Searchlight must be beamed further  than the urban areas into the rural areas where these quacks are having a field day largely due to the absence of standard medical facilities and the requisite, trained human resource for health to man these centers where they are available"

Dr Bapigaan also added that the NMA in Plateau state has collaborated with security agencies to rid the health space of quacks 

He added that " The Government should see health as the right of every Nigerian and ensure that no one is denied the health services he or she needs as a result of poverty or other health disparities. "

"Health care financing should be prioritized "

Speaking earlier  at the occasion the Lawmaker representing Mangu,Bokkos Federal Constiituency Hon Ishaya Lalu who was the chairman of the occasion  decried the brain drain syndrome in the health sector, saying it is negatively affecting the country.

He also appealed to doctors to consider their oath to save lives and show more commitment to duty.

Prof. Nuhu Dakum who gave a key note  address titled "Patient Advocacy and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Combating the Menace of Quackery lamented the lack of access to quality in some communities stressing that if all  citizens has access to quality health care irrespective of their status in the society quackery would have been eliminated.

Prof. Dakum further said health education is very important therefore citizens should be properly guided on the need to go to recognized Government hospitals for treatment.

According to him, regulatory agencies like MDCON, PCN and other monitoring teams should beam their searchlight  to identified quack doctors with a view  to  flushing  them out before much harm is caused on citizens.