Rt. Hon. (DR.) Simon BAKO Lalong


Fellow Citizens of Plateau State,

On 11th April, 2015 during the gubernatorial election, you came out enthusiastically and voted me as Executive Governor of Plateau State under the Platform of our great Party, the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Taking on this mantle of leadership marked a significant milestone in our political and democratic journey as a people. It was also with a clarion call on us to deliver dividends of democracy along the 5-point Policy Thrusts that we had presented.

Fellow Citizens, four years down the lane, without prejudice to the just concluded re-run elections of 23rd March 2019, and the results declared by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), you once again came out en-masse and voted us to serve a second and final term as Executive Governor of the State, together with my Deputy, Professor Sonni G. Tyoden.

With gratitude to God Almighty, on behalf of myself and the Deputy Governor, I sincerely thank you all. We whole-heartedly accept this mandate to serve for a second and final term with all the humility it deserves. Above all, we accept this mandate by equally soliciting your usual cooperation and partnership as we strive to sustain the execution of our mandate.

The outcome of the exercise in the State was clearly an amazing show of confidence and trust. It was also referendum on our most cherished principles of Unity and Peace as well as affirmation of the desire to move to the Next Level. Moving to the next level in the light of equality and inclusiveness, which are core values fundamentally located in the heart of the Plateau spirit that speak to our sense of communality, diverse ethnicity, mutual respect, tolerance, peace, hospitality, humility and diligence.
The unquantifiable sacrifices and support of the platform on which we stood and won, namely, the Executive Council and State Working Committee of the All Progressives Congress (APC), the Director-General and Members of the Gubernatorial Campaign Council, Volunteers, Canvassers, Agents, Religious Leaders, Election Observers, Family Members, Women, Youth and the Less Privileged are highly commendable and appreciated. We see our task as a call to greater service and accountability to you as a people, who rightly represent the voice of God.

To our electoral umpire, Security Agencies, Civil society Organizations, Stakeholders, and Gentlemen of the Press, we salute your courage and dexterity in upholding the tenets of your vocation, which contributed immensely to the success and peaceful conduct of this election. May God reward all of you with special graces and blessings.

Let me use this opportunity to urge my fellow citizens to regard this victory at the polls as victory for the whole of Plateau, with no victor, no vanquished. We had a dream, which we collectively and tirelessly worked towards achieving it and succeeded. To me, this victory is a mark of honour and clarion call for consolidation of our gains and the sustainable peaceful coexistence for the good of the State. Together, we will do more. I urge all citizens to celebrate in harmony with even the opposition without harassment, intimidation and provocative statements against any person or group.

To my fellow Contestants, who not only participated in the historic Gubernatorial Debate, prior to the elections and also contested with me, I wish to congratulate you for your matured conduct during and after our electioneering campaigns. I also extend my hands of friendship and urge you to share in the patriotic zeal of building a virile Plateau so that we can bequeath a positive and lasting legacy for the younger generations.

I equally extend my congratulations and hands of friendship to the newly elected and returned members of the Plateau State House of Assembly and indeed the National Assembly. I look forward to a mutually beneficial and more robust working relationship with all of you. I pledge that government will continue to cooperate with the Honourable Members-Elect at all times.

Finally, as I look forward to presenting a State-wide address and unveiling our next programmes and policies during my inauguration on 29th May 2019, I once more thank you immensely for the confidence reposed on us and promise to sustain our loyalty, diligence and service to you all and to the Glory of God.

God Bless Plateau State.
God Bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Executive Governor and Governor-Elect
Plateau State.

Sunday 24th March 2019.