As a nice icing to the last tenure and a good foundation for the incoming one, I say congratulations to all WASH Sector players on the passage of the Plateau State Water Sector Bill into Law by the PLHA yesterday. This gives legal backing to all the reform initiatives embarked upon by the Lalong Rescue Administration for improved delivery of water supply and sanitation services to the people of Plateau State. This is a significant landmark for the WASH family in accelerating the journey towards the achievement the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Number 6. Notable provisions of the new law include:
(1) the enshrinement of the right of the citizens to access to WASH services;
(2) the creation of three agencies to focus on provision of WASH services in urban, small town and rural areas respectively;
(3) the creation of the Water Services Regulatory Agency to regulate the involvement of public and private organisations in WASH services delivery;
(4) the creation of a State WASH Fund to source and allocate funds for the development of the WASH Sector in the state; and
(5) the involvement of consumers in the management of the WASH Sector in the state via NGOs, CSOs, CBOs and professional organizations, with due consideration to gender mainstreaming.