A Lecturer with the Department of Theatre Arts and Deputy Director, Academic Planning division of Plateau State University, Bokkos, Dr. Solomon Obidah Yamma has disclosed that amidst the alarming rate of corruption, crime rate, bad governance, growing rate of insecurity, immorality and other negative vices, the Adventists institutions all over the world are thriving hard to restore the societal lost value system.

Dr. Yamma was a Guest Speaker at 2019 Speech and Prize Giving Day of Hyde Memorial Secondary School, Jengre in Bassa Local Government Area (LGA) of Plateau state, noted that the aimed of setting up all the Adventists institutions, colleges and universities is to mold and produce unique leaders who have the fear of God in their hearts.
He regretted that students from poor family backgrounds after graduation from Hyde and other faith-based secondary school cannot afford the expensive tuition fee who are left with no other option other than to resort to public University being the available option which is the public higher institution where the doctrines of the church are not taught in those institutions.
Yamma however, advocated for the establishment of an affordable Adventists University in Plateau state to create access for the students from the economically backward families to enroll in the University saying the institution will help to restore the image of God in a sin-sick world and solve problems bedeviling mankind in strict consideration of values that ensure the stability of the social order.

According to him, “In helping our youth to adhere strictly to social values, Adventist education will facilitate the youths ability to eschew passive acquisition of knowledge or information. It would make you use information selectively as a device for analytic capability, and it must proffer thematic depth to encyclopedic superficiality. Only then can we transgress our presuppositions.”
Dr. Yamma in another paper presented at the speech and Prize giving Day of Faith Anchor Academy, Butura in Bokkos entitled: “the Effects of Social Media on Students’ Performance in Secondary School”, described social media as a useful servant but a dangerous master and a two-edge sword which has tremendous benefits that students take advantage of the social media networks to share information, building relationship, discussions but it can distract the attention of the students which can affect their academic performance.

He said at the turn of the 20th Century, the revolution that greeted the computer industry came with so much excitement and also with its attendant issues about the new technologies that was meant to ease work for humanity, increase efficiency and bring peoples of different settings, civilization and races together thereby closing the barriers that had separated mankind before the invention of the internet or Information Communication Technology (ICT).

According to him, social media networks has negatively affected students by consuming the time and use of language amongst students which has resulted in grades dropped noting that a study shows that student users of social media have an average GPA of 3.06 while non-users have an average GPA of 3.82 even as every 93 minutes over the average 106 minutes spent on Facebook daily, students’ grades dropped 12 points and another study showed that’ students who went online while studying scored 20% lower on tests.