By Kamshinen Maxwell

One would argue that one of the most beautiful sights on Midgard is when the beautiful golden sun rays hits the alluring face of a diamond.
The reflection, so glorious in its entirety, blinds one temporarily, allowing nothing but your heart beating in accurate precession like a Russian elite hitman.
Precious is the name, but so much more its beauty lies in what one can feel as opposed what one can see. Glorious!

But these entire glory cannot compete with the communion of two hearts, seamlessly beating for each other.
The connection of arteries and veins, giving blood and life to each other.
That intangible feeling that comes with the communion, the gift, the trust,
Faith is the name.

A lot of y’all have had the good fortune to drive your Range Rover Sport of love on the
smooth streets of Abuja.
So smooth is the road, you don’t have to change your tyres. Not in this part of love.
Whilst some, me have had the luck of driving mine, not a Range Rover obvi, a vehicle much lesser in class and status, on the port holes full streets of a town you prolly never knew.
But still I gave my all.

I have loved a lot of ladies, I have dated much a few of those I’ve loved.
I have been scared, I have been hurt, I have had to cry.
But all of these pushed me to where I am today.
I’m not there yet. Def. But I know I’m getting an early admish into that school Will and
Jada, Jay and Bey, Kim and Kanye and above all my Dad and Mum attended.

So I’m penning this down, I’m sending a dove to all the girls I’ve loved;
“I wish to thread fair, for if I am to trade you fair, I would say, you were the fairest of them all.
We was young, dumb and broke and that was the littest part of my life, hitherto.
There was a time, all I ever wanted was to have that conversation with you.
You ultimately and exclusively became my Achilles when I felt I was in war.
But just like Achilles himself, all I ever knew about the heel was nothing.
But maybe you did.

In the course of our sojourn, you heard things about me;
 As much as I heard things about you.
All the bricks, subconsciously you gathered them and now you have a mansion in your head.
One none can leave in but insecurities, doubt.
From the word TRUST, we found a way to omit the 'T'.
The truth, the one letter that changed the fate of that word.
I know you found someone better.
Maybe he cradled you to bed.
Maybe he got you gifts when all I did was send an emoji.
Maybe he calls you at random when all I did was text you via social media.
Maybe I wasn’t enough... but is there ever enough?
Maybe you wanted more than you could give.
Maybe you wanted to be like Garfield, getting everything in a chime of a bell.
Maybe you grew like royalty or maybe you met a Prince.
I am sorry I treated you like I was Uther, sending you, my little star, my rainbow out for war.
But that means I am a King too yeah?

You are strong. You are wise.
You are brave. You aren’t inadequate.
Your greatest strength is your heart, your ability to love, your ability to believe.
There is no harm in using your eraser whenever needs be.
Erase those hurtful moments and persons but I admonish you, just like I did me, Forgive.
Let it go. That is why God is God and God will remain God. Forgive.
Everyone out there is fighting a battle, it’s just sad that you might not know the schedule.
For now and always,
As much as the stars in the heavens, Shining like your beautiful face,
Connecting in glory in all levels,
May it be that your glory days,
Full of joy immeasurable be even,
May your heart decode love and its maze.
I still do have a deep regards for you."

You was my dream girl, to bless my eyes with the sights of you I needed to open it in my sleep.
But I always miss the feel of your glory in the room because my eyes are closed,
All in a bit to see you.
And when I open my eyes, all I see is me and four walls and a wind of hope, swerving me
back and forth, convincing me that if I, sleep once more again,
I shall behold thy lovely face.
And now I sleep again. Waiting for you.
But in the arms of another you rest, allowing nothing but the ticking away of time lullaby my hopeless head to bed as it sets straight my path to loneliness.

(On an island, beyond any atlas with my Rainbow)