By Daniel Dauda, Jos

In a bit to address persistent infiltration of land, Anaguta Youth Movement (AYM) has charged government at all levels to enact stiff sanction on those who bent in encroaching lands of the natives.

AYM made the assertion following the Saturday's 22nd February, 2020, unprovoked attack on Ubyal-Ayimah community (Naraguta Village) by hoodlums as a result of on going demarcation exercise embark upon by University of Jos to secure its land from further encroachment.

Our correspondent gathered about four houses including that of ward head were burnt dawn to ashes, one person injured which is currently under going treatment while properties Worth millions of Naira lost.

Addressing journalists, AYM National president, Deacon Moses Dawang said as we are all aware, Anaguta are the Aborigines of Jos North and the host community of all the land housing University of Jos, thereby making Anaguta the host community of the prestigious institution.

" As a host community, we are aware that the University of Jos has legitimately and properly acquired every land it is situated upon.

" We the Anaguta Youth Movement are encouraging the authorities of University of Jos and the Government to continue the demarcation of all their legitimate lands in other to secure and protect government properties against land grabbers, speculators and hoodlums who are bent on taking advantage of the University land that is not fenced.

"Any individual or group of persons that have any issue with University of Jos acquisition of any land should follow legal means of addressing his or their grievances rather than resulting to self help which will lead to break down of law and order.

As a community, we all know that no one is above the law, so there is every need for the security personnel to be decisive in dealing with the people that have repeatedly attack the management of the University of Jos whenever they embark on visit to their land. Also, the government was not spared from such attack by those hoodlums and land grabbers." The AYM president noted.

He  further warned, " we are calling on all Anaguta people that are alienating the property belonging to University of Jos, to stop forth with or we shall handle them appropriately!

"We equally call on the Government to urgently reach out to our community that suffered great lost as a result of the attack which left our people without houses and churches that were destroyed by the hoodlums in the guise of protesting against the demarcation of land by the University authorities.

"The question is what has churches and natives houses got to do with the activities of University of Jos? There is more to it, the action is purely criminal and expansionist." He concluded.