By Daniel Dauda, Jos Plateau state Governor and chairman Northern Governors forum, Simon Lalong KSGG, stated that the state would ensure domestication of community Policing according to peculiarities to curb excess of unwarranted attacks on citizens. You would recall recently over thirty people were confirmed death and several others injured in two separate attacks which occurred in Kombun district in Mangu and Kwatas, Bokkos Local Government Areas respectively by Fulani herdsmen. Governor Lalong who was fumes looking at the magnitude of the persistent killings, he gave matching order to security personnel to make sure they fish out perpetrators of such henous crime. Delivering his keynote address during stakeholders peace and security community dialogue the Governor said "It is with mixed feelings that I address you today at this Stakeholders Peace, Security and Community Dialogue, holding here at the Government House. "I say with mixed feelings because this in one type of stakeholders meeting that we were almost relegating to the dustbin of history considering how hard we have toiled to ensure the return of peace to our State since our coming into office. Sadly, we are compelled to hold this meeting once again instead of ordinarily coming together to celebrate peaceful coexistence and prosperity of our land and its good people, as we were looking forward to during the forthcoming Forgiveness Day. The unfortunate events of last month in Kulben, Kombun District in Mangu Local Government Area, as well as that of Kwatas in Bokkos Local Government which claimed over 30 precious lives of innocent citizens with many injured and properties destroyed, is most unfortunate and a bitter pill to swallow. It is difficult to comprehend this carnage because the two events appear to be deliberately orchestrated to test the resolve of our administration in bringing back peace to the State and also undermining the security and safety of our people who are simply going about earning their livelihoods. Like I said both during my visit to Kulben and during the meeting with Local Government Chairmen, Community leaders, Traditional Rulers and Ardos after the Kwatas killings, the dark days of pain, tears and sorrow will never be allowed to return to Plateau State again. That is why I told the security agencies that the killers must be fished out at all costs because Government will no longer take excuses of “unknown gunmen” who kill and maim at will. That is why we directed that the community leaders and Ardos be invited and questioned with a view to assisting the security agencies with information that will lead to the arrest of the killers. They are not ghosts. I am happy that this directive has been acted upon, and sooner than later, those killers will be unmasked and brought before the law to answer for their crimes. While that is going on, we must look ahead and seek ways to forestall reoccurrence. That is why I have convened this enlarged Peace and Security Dialogue with the theme “DOMESTICATION OF COMMUNITY POLICING IN PLATEAU STATE: EXPLORING INDEGINOUS OPTIONS” with a view to putting forward practical and proactive measures that will address these unacceptable attacks. The dialogue seeks to explore ways towards undertaking a wholistic overview of the prevailing security challenges in the State, with specific reference to a community policing model that can better respond to public safety and security. You will recall that the Inspector General of Police last month met with Governors of the North Central States in Lafia - Nasarawa State, for a Security Summit where we adopted Community Policing as a better tool to dealing with the security situation in our geo-political zone. At today’s dialogue therefore, I expect that we shall engage in frank, open and solution-driven interaction that will enable us key into the Community Policing Model in dealing with our security situation more effectively. Happily, we already have structures on ground which are in tandem with the Community Policing model such as the Operation Rainbow, Early warning System, Vigilante Volunteers and Community based Intelligence Volunteers. Let us ask critical questions as to what we are doing right and what is not working, with a view to making it more effective for guaranteeing the security and safety of lives and property in Plateau State. We should also examine what the conventional security agencies such as the Police, State Security Service, Operation Safe Haven, Civil Defence and related agencies are doing in securing lives and properties in the State. What do we need to do in creating synergy between their work and that of the Community Policing structure in order to achieve better results? The Governor question He said Since virtually every relevant stakeholder is here today, I expect that the discussions will be honest, frank and capable of leading us to a safer Plateau State that thrives on respect for human lives, good neigbourliness, tolerance, justice and forgiveness. With the array of resource persons invited to speak at this dialogue, I am optimistic that something good will come out at the end of the day. I wish us all a fruitful dialogue and looking forward to a positive outcome. He concluded.