Aware that a mischief maker in a deliberate and desperate attempt to tarnish the image of Mr. Speaker has raised a range of wild, unfounded, misleading and false allegations against the office and person of Mr. speaker, Rt. Hon. Abok Nuhu Ayuba on social media platforms and same was shared by his unfortunate apologists. This is another allegation that is baseless and without any supporting evidence of any form. Though, the said post does not deserve any respond from the exalted office of the Speaker nor from the Assembly, it is my considered opinion that I put the following records straight in an attempt to enlighten the well meaning general public: 1. These allegations are deliberate attempt assassination of Mr Speaker's character and meant to cause disaffection against him. This is not new to us as same was said to have been circulated immediately the vehicles were given to the legislators. The writer, then, deceived the general public that he was going to furnish them with evidence 'soon' which still tarried as I speak. This wild allegations to us is like a repeat broadcast and does not make any meaning. 2. Mr. Speaker is not a selfish person and as such does not seek for personal gain. He is a hardworking gentleman who has a heart of contentment. He is not corrupt and cannot be made corrupt overnight. In fact, he is a philanthropist whose generosity is to a fault. It is unfortunate that the mischief makers were in a haste to grab their pay from their pay master for a job that was poorly executed. He may wish to do due diligence to knowing who Mr Speaker really is, a very disciplined and incorruptible personality before thinking of attacking him. I wish the said writer or his pay master(s) has 1/10 of Mr speaker's integrity and reputation. 3. The general public may be aware that neither the Speaker nor the State House of Assembly can award contract of any form not to talk of the one of purchasing vehicles that engulfed hundreds of millions of tax payers money. This is purely the work of the Executive arm which is procedural. The writer has yet again exhibited acute ignorance of the workings of government especially when it has to do with the award and execution of contracts vis-a-vis the role of legislature. This is a pity and demonstration that the said young man is dying for lack of knowledge. It is obvious that the said demented brain needs an immediate rescue lest he continues to disgrace himself in the public. Simply put, the Speaker has nothing to do with the award of contracts for the purchase of the said cars. 4. The said isolated soul also alleged that the present Assembly is a rubber stamped one. This is far from being true as the 9th State Assembly is made up of experienced, skillful, knowledgeable, vibrant, energetic, hardworking, selfless, dedicated and well meaning honourable members whose integrity and reputation cannot be questioned nor watch away by mere wishful thought.Their allegiance and commitment to building a safe, peaceful and prosperous Plateau State cannot be over emphasize. They are making meaningful contributions to the growth and sustainable development of plateau state. The ninth assembly is no doubt, one of the most united, democratic, purposeful and result oriented in recent times. Note that, a democratic government stands on a tripod and the three arms work together for the common good of the state. The quarantined writer in his usual ignorance thinks that the role of the legislative arm is to fight the Executive for anything and in everything. This is far from being true and rather unfortunate. This is a team that is so united irrespective of party, tribe, or creed. I envy their unity of purpose and critical presentation of issues. 5. The writer in his widest imagination also alleges that Mr Speaker is holding secret meetings with the opposition party in a bid to defect, without telling the public where, when and with who was the said meeting held? An undoctored video of such meeting(s) can validate and make his allegation true. This is mischievous of all the allegations and does not deserves any respond. However, the Speaker is a committed and dedicated member of the governing APC and is not contemplating leaving the party that he loves so much for any reason in a foreseeable future. 6. The frustrated writer further alleges that the Speaker is trying to impose one Barr. J. K Chris as PYC state chairman. This is a blatant lie as PYC officials are not imposed but elected. Mr speaker is a progressive (democrat) who believe in and cherish the tenets of democracy, one of which is the freedom of choice. He share in the advocacy that people should be allowed to choose or elect their leaders by themselves haven submitted himself for the same process in 2019 and won. Though, as a Plateau youth, Rt. Hon. Abok Ayuba has every right like any other Plateau youth to support any candidate of his choice in the forth coming PYC election, but has chosen to be neutral and ready to support whoever that emerges victorious. Aware that the said writer has made several attempts to get the endorsement of Mr speaker for the state championship of PYC and he has been told by the speaker repeatedly to go and seek for the mandate of the people. Mr Speaker's advice and stand did not go down well with the man who knows that he would be rejected at the poll for his gross incompetence and characterize behavioural problem. Hence, the renewed attack on the personality and the office of the speaker did not come to us by surprise. 7. On issue of competence, the Speaker is eminently qualified, very credible, and grossly competent to manage the affairs of the assembly. Leadership is not all about noise making as the fictitious writer may think but about courage to do the unthinkable, fearlessness in doing the right thing right, self discipline, firm in taking uncommon decisions, and ability to carry everybody along, which are all attributes of Mr Speaker. The Rt. Hon. Abok Ayuba has served and will continue to serve with dignity, respect and character. Yet, he is not perfect as perfection is and remains an exclusive attribute of God. We thank his colleagues for their continued support. Above all, we appreciate the well meaning Plateau citizens who through their comments have done justice to the said unfounded allegations. In our desire to serve you better, we called on all and sundry to continue to suggest to Mr Speaker and the Assembly on the ways they can serve Plateau state better, offer meaningful advice, and constructive criticism where necessary. In conclusion, though the said post was meant to seek unnecessary attention and relevance which we do not intend to give in, but for the sake of clarity and to keep the public informed, we yielded to it. However, going forward, such attention seekers may not get same, as it does not deserves it. We choose better things to do with our time. The writer is therefore adviced to henceforth know how to handle his frustration and act responsibly. Stay safe and let's continue to abide by the COVID-19 preventive measures as put forward by the experts. Let's curb the spread of the virus. Thank you for reading and God bless you! RT HON ABOK AYUBA MEDIA TEAM