The Coalition for the Defense of Democracy herein condemn in totality the unwarranted suspension of the multiple award winning Local Government Chairman in Plateau State in the person of Hon. ISAAC Kwalu by the Members of Plateau State House of Assembly for antagonistic political reasons and without recourse to due process and his sterling performances.

It is no longer news that since Mr. Chairman showed interests in contesting for the Bye elections of the forth coming Senatorial elections in Plateau South, there has been rumors and attempts to silence his aspiration by some privileged quarters in government based on his meteorically rising profile and chances of picking the ticket of his political party, the APC.

These elements conspired with Mr. Speaker and his supposed honorable members to get him suspended at all cost.
Funny enough these were the same members that recently Celebrated Mr. Chairman as One of the Most excellent performing Chairmen in the State.
How then could they have suddenly changed?

 More Worrisome to Us is that the Speaker and Most of the Principal Officers are all young men who are supposed to be leading by example. Why are supposed ambassadors of "Not Too Young To Run" stooping so low to have suspended the Chairman within a twinkle of an eye based on orders from above?

Surprisingly, Mr. Speaker who has been missing in action since his emergence has suddenly found his voice over a shameless reason. This is the same person that has performed grossly below average thus putting the young people on the Plateau in total shame and denial.

We are therefore Calling on the entire members of the Plateau State House of Assembly to immediately reverse their  unpopular decision of shamelessly suspending Hon. ISAAC Kwalu Within the next 48 hours or have us to contend with.

By these, we are putting all Civil Society Groups, Various Youth Organizations and Student Bodies On Standby as we shall soon Occupy the State house of Assembly if they fail to heed to our humble Appeal.

Yours in Active Struggle,
Comrd Prince Miaphen

Coordinator, Coaliation for the Defense of Democracy in Nigeria.