The Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) has given a Presidential merit award for service to humanity and the Society to Engr. Sunday C. Hyat (mni) at the international conference Centre Abuja.

Engr. Sunday Hyat is a technocrat and a seasoned administrator whose career spans over a decade in the State Civil Service. No doubt his wealth of experience has been brought to bear in different spheres of life; serving the Government and humanity through several Committee works at Federal, State and Local levels. This award has been described by many as a well deserved one, and that it couldn't have come at a better time than this when our Nation is in dire need of visionary, selfless and pragmatic leaders who will seek to change the narratives of Governance in the Country.

The contributions, and impact you have made in the field of civil engineering in Nigeria, Plateau State in particular is an attestation of  hard work, strategic thinking, goal oriented personality.  

Currently, Hyat is the  Permanent Secretary of Ministry of works, Plateau State, fellow of the Nigerian Society of Engineers and an alumni of the prestigious National institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS) Kuru. Sir,  it's said that " To whom much is given, much is required". This is call to greater service to humanity.   Congratulations!