There's is always an immediate or remote cause or factors that leads to the early start or late starting of a conversation as important as it may be. It could be a good reason or an unfortunate one. In Nigeria, the next elections is always kept in view almost immediately after the incumbent's. 

The discussions about who the next governor (2023) of Plateau State will be, started in 2019. Believe it or not, the minds of the people aspiring for the office of the number one citizen in the state were made-up about their intentions right in the middle of the fanfare of 2019. 

There has been an open discussion on the internet, on the streets, in homes and various political spaces, about the options of individual candidates and platforms available for the 2023; but not the ideological persuasions for the 2023 gubernatorial contest in Plateau state. 

It is quite interesting the variety of options and caliber of governorship hopefuls that are emerging from the central zone of Plateau State. 

It is also interesting to note that the atmosphere is one that naturally adjust and adapt itself to/with the idea of zoning of elective positions, especially in regards to the gubernatorial office as well as the deputy governor. You must have noticed that all the flaunted candidates so far are from the Central Zone of Plateau State, which covers Mangu, Bokkos, Pankshin, Kanke and Kanam. 

Haven said that, I will like to make assumptions that we are still going to witness the emergence of more candidates from: Mangu, Bokkos, Pankshin, Kanke and Kanam. I also expect to witness the usual suspects, the politically revolutionized 'non-conformists' from the Northern and Southern zone to emerge as they express their aspirations. Take note; no law forbade any hopeful from any part of the state to express their ambitions to govern Plateau State. Therefore, it is within their rights, for anyone, 'son of the soil' from any of the 17 local government areas to contest elections any time and any day.

I am of the school of thought that a leveled playing field will encourage credibility, inclusiveness, meritocracy and quality as well as fairness in the Nigerian polity. As it is yet to be prohibited for anyone with the legal standing and the quality requisite for leadership responsibility, to vie for office, I'll encourage individuals from the 17 local government areas to get busy and involved in the political space as far as 2023 is concerned. 

The first question I consistently asks people flying a candidate is whether the individual in question has the leadership background, the political experience and the economic independence, as well as the people skills, the passion and vision to embark on the quest to become the next governor of Plateau State. 

People will do a background check and they'll be looking for these qualities, while at it, one thing will remain constant; integrity.

Even if a particular individual candidate escape not having one of the earlier listed personal credentials, or has a complimentary qualities, he or she wouldn't pass or escape the test for  integrity.

I look forward to seeing a female gubernatorial candidate or a ticket with a female running mate, a younger generation candidate wouldn't be bad, a new political party and also one with balance as far as 'ethnic' inclusiveness is concerned. 

Lastly, there's what is referred to as political permutations, which is what usually leads to the choice of where, who, why and how a deputy candidate is picked. This is a very critical process and I will advise the hopefuls to take their time in reaching a conclusion to that regards.

Best regards to Building a Dream Plateau!

Nungkop Mishael S.