Hon. Shehu Bala Usman, Management committee chairman, Jos North LGA

By Daniel Dauda, Jos

Management committee chairman of Jos North Local Government Council, Shehu Bala Usman said they are working assiduously towards harnessing resources to ensure full implementation of N30,000 minimum wage.

You would recall recently Labour Union under the auspices of Nigerian Union of Local Government Employee,NULGE, have signed an agreement with the Chairmen of 17 Local Government Council of Plateau State to start paying workers with effect from November,2020.

However, whether the implementation of the N30,000 minimum wage have commenced, according to Bala Usman who shed more light while interacting with our correspondent in Jos said "We have agreed to pay the N30,000 minimum wage from level one to six, and also a consequential adjustment from level seven upward.

"I want to use this opportunity to comment the leadership of the Union(Labour Union),you wouldn't know the pressure, the heat they have gone through If you're not there from the standard, they stood firmly for the welfare of the staff which I have to comment them.

"Now we have signed every thing the issue of implementation is what we are in right now, and we are looking at all nocks and crannies to see how we start implementing the N30,000 minimum wage. Talking about the resources, we are harnessing the resources to see how we can be able to start implementation now", he stated.

On the issue of suspension on  revenue collections, tax and other levies within Jos North LGA prior to 2020 ending till date, the chairman revealed that part of the suggestion been made by stakeholders and also the Labour Union is to look inward about the issue of revenue;and towards that direction "we now suspend all issues of revenue collections in Jos North Local Government Area with a view of reviewing and see how we can make it better. 

"It may interest you to know that His Excellency the Executive Governor of Plateau State, Rt.Hon. Simon Bako Lalong has signed a consolidated revenue law in the state. Talking about the betterment of collection of revenue and all the local government Councils in the state will benefit from the collection looking at the challenges we are facing. We have issues of staff and other expenditure within the local government Councils.

"So, we suspended that and we are making arrangement to embark on the collection of revenue soon, immediately after we have concluded all arrangement for the betterment of the collections."

Concerning modalities put in place to curtail the infiltration of illegal motor park in Jos North LGA, he confirmed
that yes there are illegal motor Parks operating in Jos North. The designated motor Parks are; Bauchi motor Park, Gada Biyu motor park, Dariye motor park and the usual Riders motor park. "These are the authentic motor Parks within the Jos North LGA which are being authorized to operate."

What we are doing actually is we are in talking terms with the ministry of transport and also JMDB because there is separation of power on how things work. We are talking with them, in fact just recently, you saw the Commissioner of transport was talking about the issue of the congestion, telling the people that have been parked in the main road to take their vehicles otherwise they stand to suffer the consequences. And also synergism with the Local Government were progressing.

On what steps Government have taking to sensitize populace as the second wave of COVID-19 is alarming, He opines that just as His Excellency the Executive Governor of Plateau State directed, and you can see the meeting we had recently is part of it. The engagement of the stakeholders, the enlightenment of people about the protocol of COVID-19 which is wearing of face mask, observing physical distance and use of hand Sanitizers.

"So, we will also have engagement with media after what we now go into full enforcement;and at that time you wouldn't have an excuse that you never know particularly now that we have experiencing the second train of the coronavirus. This is what we are doing.

"People should always live in peace, we are all one. Peace is priceless we should how to keep it! Also adhere strictly with the directive of the government,and I am sure the government will not give any directive that is detriment to the citizens", the chairman concluded.