Hon. Shehu Bala Usman management committee chairman Jos North LGA

The Evangelical Church Winning All, ECWA, Women wing of Jos District Church Council, DCC,have been confirmed an award of excellence to management committee chairman of Jos North Local Government Council, Hon. Shehu Bala Usman as an" Ambassador of religious harmony".

According to press statement signed senior information officer to the chairman Philip Eplong, said Management Committee Chairman of Jos North Local Government  Shehu Bala Usman  has been bestowed with an award of Excellence by the Evangelical Church  Winning All Jos District  Women Fellowship as an "Ambassador of  religious harmony".

"This was in  recognition of his charitable service, passion for religious harmony and peaceful co-existence among  the  diverse ethnic,  political and religious groups in the locality".

Leader  of ECWA Women Fellowship Jos DCC Regina Tongpan while  Making the presentation to Shehu Bala Usman at ECWA Jos DCC  2021 Conference   in Kerker with  Themed- "Christ in you the hope of glory" noted that the Chairman fulfilled the  "injunction of serving God, the Church and Humanity".

She challenged both Christians and Muslims to emulate the leadership qualities of the chairman which anchored on love, unity and peacefully co-existence among the inhabitants of the area and the state at large.

Mrs. Tongpan also said the Usman's administration has added value in restoring confidence, dignity and hope in the church and Humanity hence the need to specially recognize him.

While receiving the award, Management Committee Chairman of Jos North LGA Shehu Bala Usman, dedicates the award  to God, Governor Simon Lalong and  the peaceful and hospitable people of Jos North. 

He  noted tha he  is "humbled to receive an  award of such  magnitude from the Church and  stressed that it  would spur him to do more".

Usman who acknowledged the role of the Church in nation building call on Christians to continue proffering solution towards inter religious coexistence amongst its followers. 

The Chairman further reaffirmed his administration commitment to compliment on the efforts of the state Government policy of peace building  where each tribe has a say in the affairs of the state. 

In his Homily, Rev. Selbol Audu who took his message from the Book of proverbs chapter 14  said the wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands, the foolish one tears hers down.