The need for Nigeria as a country to diversify its economy cannot be overemphasized. Plateau as a state also needs urgent reform economically and a sustained economic growth which is the sole aim of a good leader. It is not therefore, out of place for one to say that Plateau state in recent years economically can be classified as underperforming. This is because its economic status can be likened to lack of domestic linkages characterized by the absence of basic services expected of a government and inability of the present system to enable individuals operate their lives and businesses with minimal interference or control from the government and its agencies.

However, this is not to belittle the efforts put in place by the governments at all levels but to present to the state an astute and dogged individual who has the knowledge and solution to the economic challenges and retardation of the state. Someone who is ready to put to use his wealth of experience to the benefit of the state and subsequently accrue to those lower the ladder (the masses).

Nde Dauda W. Gotring who is an economist has the nexus of partnership between knowledge and practice. This is because areas such as agriculture, education, health and infrastructure are best delivered at the state level. Hence, the need to have an economic mind of thinking even without the box, to generate ideas and funding to realise development.

From data placed before the court of public conscience and thinking, most Nigerians are suffering as a result of lack of good leadership and dwindling economy of which Plateau's case is not an exception. One would say that the economy of the state is not growing enough to absorb a great number of youths and other classes of people joining the labour market each year. 

As a technocrat with sufficient knowledge, Nde Gotring whom many have described as selfless and brave, is ready to serve and lead Plateau state out of economic stagnation to MAKE GOOD THINGS HAPPEN come 2023 through economic reformation to help create sustainable jobs thereby leading to a reduction in public support for much of the poverty and sufferings faced by our people.

Many people have advocated for a replica of the Legendary JD Gomwalk who will salvage Plateau and bring back the much needed developments that our dear people yearn for, Nde Dauda Wuritka Gotring fits in well having come from the same Local Government Area with JD Gomwalk. Though he is not JD Gomwalk in person, his simplicity, liberal and pace setting personality can be likened to that of a renowned Plateau son who is still remembered for his good deeds by his people. This is also not to say that those who have served Plateau did not do well but a time has come for the state to grow bigger and Nde Gotring is here to play a major part in its growth and development.

The vision and mission of Nde Gotring as also described by many is designed by God for the betterment of humanity. This is because he has touched the lives of many people on the Plateau and beyond especially the less privileged, youths and women through his philanthropic heart and his Youths and Women Empowerment Foundation/centre. 

Nde Dauda W. Gotring is simple, kind, gentle and brave as many can attest to. His movement needs your prayers, support and goodwill.

Let's remember to Act Gotring

-Think Gotring

-Speak Gotring

-Preach Gotring

-Support Gotring and above all

-Pray for Gotring and Plateau

Together in unity and love we shall succeed.

D.W. Gotring. 23' Media Team.