Governor Simon Lalong, Plateau State

From Daniel Dauda,Jos

As part of effort to mitigate the spread of coronavirus pandemic Plateau State Government has taken delivery of 105,600 doses of COVID-19 vaccine from Federal Government.

Confirming the vaccine on Wednesday in Jos, Plateau task force committee on COVID-19 secretary and secretary to the Government of Plateau State Professor Danladi Atu acknowledged that "I can officially confirmed to you that Plateau State have received her on version of COVID-19 vaccines which is about 105,600 for the first phase."

He said Plateau State and their technical team are prepared for this as they have done a lot of training and as soon as the finalization is done they will commence the vaccination.

"We want to make sure that people who will use it are well trained and equip. We are working round the clock to ensure that preparation is done and commence the vaccine in earnest.

"The process of Vaccine delivery is about four phases. The first phase will center directly on front line workers and other strategic leaders. Definitely the vaccination is going to be in phases.

"The tasks force have come with a lot of work plan to ensure that people are fully engaged right from the top to bottom. We want to do up bottom top approach to make sure every body is carrying alone.

The SGS also said with the technical team on ground they are going to give us all the technical mechanism to see the workability of such.The vaccine is already on ground but people need to be equipped to make sure they use the vaccine.

He appreciate all partners most especially UNICEF and WHO, who have stood firmly to make sure the vaccine get to Plateau safely.  

  First phase of COVID-19 vaccine deliver to Plateau State

On his part,Commissioner of Health Dr. Nimkong Lar Madam revealed that the
 vaccines are meant to be stored in the temperature of 2.8cm to avoid deterioration, and that is why they always ensure constant electrification for facilities maintenance.

Ndam said Government have make the provision of the vaccine possible noting that the vaccine is going to reach everybody so "we should prepare because more is coming subsequently.

"This vaccine come in two doses. If we give you one dose  now few weeks later you will come for another dose. The vaccine are mainly to prevent you from having severe COVID-19", he noted.