Engr. Peter Kassam General manager PRUWASSA

By Daniel Dauda in Jos

Plateau State ministry of water resources and energy, and Plateau rural water supply and sanitation agency(PRUWASSA) is set to engage about 1,700 in the 17 Local Government Areas of the state on hand washing project to curtail the spread of coronavirus pandemic and end open defecation.

The one hundred youths that would be selected in each of the 17 Local Government Area will under go sensitization that would last for three months.

The General Manager of PRUWASSA, Engr. Peter Kassam said from global report Nigeria is number one and according to the 2019 water, sanitation and hygiene National outcome routine mapping(WASHNORM) report, about a quarter of the population, estimated at 47 million people are practicing open defecation and Nigeria losses about 1.3% of its gross domestic product (GDP), amounting to N445 billion annually due to poor sanitation mainly from practice open defecation.

Kassam revealed this in Jos the state capital during official flag off of clean Nigeria National youth engagement programme(YES)  on hand washing and clean Nigeria campaign(CNC) on COVID-19 prevention held Tuesday.

He said the event is timely as it is in response to Federal ministry of water resources pursuance of the drive to end COVID-19 and get Nigeria out of open defecation practice by 2025.

"2025 strategy document was launched and flagged off by the Vice President Prof. Yemi Osinbajo on 19th November, 2019 while President Mohammadu Buhari signed the executive order 009 on open  defecation free Nigeria by 2025 and other related matters on 20th November,2019, to give effect to the campaign.

"PRUWASSA has triggered 811 communities cutting across Shendam, Riyom and Kanke LGAs with a total of 287 Communities certified open defecation free (ODF) in 2019 while follow up is ongoing.

"The state roadmap document towards ending Open defecation has been finalized and waiting for implementation", Kassam mentioned.

He also said that currently the agency is liaising with the 17 Local Government Areas to make sure that bye law for the implementation of open defecation is put in place which will be backed up with strict enforcement, sanction and penalty by the water, sanitation and hygiene(WASH) department.

Flagging up the campaign against open defecation, Plateau state commissioner ministry of water resources and energy, Honourable Sa' ad Bello who was represented by the permanent secretary, Dr. Ezekiel Pam said the 1,700 engaged youth are expected to reach out to schools, markets and motor parks.

Pam said they are determine to change the behavioral pattern of 4 million Plateau citizens.

Meanwhile, the minister of water resources Engr. Suleiman Adamu who was represented by the director of water quality control and sanitation, Mr. Emmanuel Awe stated that the national youth volunteer programme is one of the interventions of the Federal Government through the Federal ministry of water resources to curb  COVID-19 pandemic.

According to him, this will involve the engagement of 100 youth volunteers in each of the 774 Local Government Areas across the country for community sensitization and awareness creation on safe water, sanitation and hygiene practices for COVID-19 prevention over a three month period.

However, the desk officers has since commenced training.