Zenret Zamani is the Chief Executive Officer of Zamani Environmental Foundation, a local organization working to improve the environment, development, and empowerment of communities in Jos, Nigeria. In this exclusive interview with AceNews, he emphasises the need for a deliberate effort towards improving the environment and the efforts his foundation is making to ensure a cleaner, safer environment.

For our readers, briefly introduce yourself.

Zennat Zamani is the Chief Executive Officer of Zamani Environmental Foundation, a local organization working to improve the environment, development, and empowerment of communities in Jos, Nigeria. With a background in geography and a Master’s in Urban and Regional planning (in view), I lead a team of vibrant youths in Nigeria dedicated to fighting for the rights of the Environment through advocacy. He is passionate about the Sustainable Development Goals, with a particular focus on clean water and sanitation, sustainable cities and communities and climate action.

I also consult on environmental impacts assessment, floodplain assessment and appraisals.

Tell us more about your foundation and the work you do.

The Zamani Environmental Foundation is a network of Green leaders that creates awareness, campaigns and sensitisation on the Environment because we see the Environment as a veritable base for sustainability. After all, every sector of the economy revolves around the Environment.

This year's theme for World Environment Day 2021 is 'Ecosystem restoration'. How is your foundation commemorating the day?

The Zamani Environmental Foundation outlined several activities to commemorate World Environment Day with Planting and Replanting of Trees around, Flood plain assessment, drainage clearance and waste collection, we hope to continue with the next round of activities next week by visiting selected primary and secondary schools to donate trees and advice the management of these schools to create little Environmental clubs and gardens with their domain.

SDG 11 reinforces the need to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable what is your take on this?

The number 11 goal of the sustainable development goals envisages the need for sustainable cities and communities. 

I am a proponent of this goal because without a sustainable city, we might not have a sustainable future, and the next generation might hold us for not giving them the desired future that they would want to see. So, I am using this platform to call on government at all tiers, captains of industries, non-governmental organizations, civic society organisations and every individual to key into this SDG goals and desist from every unsustainable practice that would harm our ecosystem and planet. Jos city which is my base ought to take urgent and responsible actions in making Jos be one of the sustainable cities in Africa because it has all the potential to be a sustainable city.

As a politically motivated young man, what is your call to Plateau Youths as the Local Government elections beckon?

Indeed, the Plateau State Independent Electoral Service Commission has already released the timetable for the forthcoming local government elections (Chairmanship and councillorship). I am calling all the youths in Plateau state to be highly articulated and well informed with what is going on and elect people with the required pedigree, character and competence to fill our political posts because we are after good governance, more so, I am craving the indulgence of all our youths to please desist from any electoral violence and we must not be used as thugs and agents of manipulation in the hands of bad politicians.

The youths are the leaders of tomorrow but ought to be made the Partners of Today. So we must put our heads together and present ourselves as an agent of good governance and bring up the desired future that we will all be proud of.

Comment on the state of insecurity in Plateau State. How best can the issue be addressed?

The state of insecurity in the state is disheartening and does not sound appealing to our sense of reasoning as Plateau citizen that I am. It is not on a good note that our farmers can't go to their farms peacefully, the rate of kidnapping is still lingering, the issue of no-area which is a thing of the past is rearing its ugly head and criminal issues of robbery, car snatching is also on the rise. 

I think that there should be a strong synergy between all relevant security agencies to stamp all these and anomalies that are threatening the peace of the state. Also, the local vigilante and community policing system should be strengthened because they provide local intelligence and backup.

 Share with us, any issue bothering you either local, national or global that needs to be addressed urgently.

One of the issues that are bothering me is the inadequate funding for Environment in the national budget, David, can you imagine that when you scrutinized the national budget and calculate what is allocated to the Environment and divide it by the population of Nigeria, you will conclude that Forty-two Naira (42) is what the government budgeting on every citizen. So there is a need for the government to please review the budget and be more serious with Environment because the Environment provides vital services that can not be overemphasized and the environment also have a direct correlation with Public health.

Secondly, the issue of youth exclusion in every sector of the economy is an issue that does not speak well for the future of Nigeria. An enabling environment for the youths should be created so that Nigerian youths can showcase what they are made up of in every all sectors be it business,  entertainment, politics, academia, sports and all.

Lastly, what I believe Nigeria needs is restructuring. Because I believe the Federal government with more than 60 items in the executive list and leaving less than 40 items in both concurrent and residual legislative list has made governance in Nigeria to be very slow and much burden is on the Federal government. So, I see the ongoing public hearing on Constitution review as an avenue to the 9th assembly to please listen to our opinion and do the yearnings and the aspirations of Nigerians.