The House of representatives has mandated the Federal Road Maintenance Agency (FERMA) to ensure urgent and speedy rehabilitation of the road linking Langtang, Kanke and Wase Local Government Areas in Plateau State in order fastrack development in the LGAs

The House resolution followed a motion of public importance moved by Hon. Beni Lar on the floor of the House of representatives, entitled: “Need to Rehabilitate the Collapsed Kanke-Langtang Road”.

While moving the motion, Hon. Lar recalled that road was constructed in 1979 has since collapsed and regretted that the road is now a death trap even as statistics obtained from the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC), indicated that between 2015 and 2016 alone 12,077 road accidents were recorded on the road which led to the deaths of 5,400 persons.

Lar further disclosed that the statistics from the Nigeria Bureau of Statistics indicated that there were 11,363 road crashes on the road and 5,053 deaths were recorded in 2017.

According to her, the number of deaths on the road continue to increased almost on a daily basis due to the deplorable state of road and appealed to the House to Urgently mandate the FERMA to take urgent and proactive steps to rehabilitate the road in order to forestall further crashes on the road as well as to fastrack development in Langtang, Kanke and Wase LGAs. 

According to the Lawmaker, “roads are critical to the economic development of any nation, it enhances social benefits by providing access to employment, social, health and education services.

Concerned that Kanke- Langtang road in Plateau State has degenerated to such a deplorable state that plying the road has become extremely hazardous and the loss of lives continued unabated due to poor road maintenance in the country.”

She stressed that, “Also worried that if the road is not urgently rehabilitated, transportation, which is one of the major drivers of economic growth, will completely become unbearable, thereby grounding the economic activities of the people”.