The joint action committee of NASU and SSANU has on Wednesday released a statement in accordance to it's ongoing strike action.

In the statement dated 21st of April, 2022, the JAC stateted that due to governments unfavorable response to it's demands, wide consultations amist members has prompted it's decision to extend the ongoing strike action commencing from Sunday 24th of April, 2022. Furthermore it has directed all branches of JAC to stay steadfast in achieving all there agrived demands.

You will recall that the JAC of SSANU and NASU commenced a two weeks warning strike on the 27th of March, 2022 which was unresolved and another two weeks extension giving to government from the 10th of April, 2022. All this to press home there demands which according to the National Vice President of SSANU, Prof. Abdussobur Salaam, include the said agreement of renegotiation of the 2009 agreement, payment of earned allowances, usurpation of non-academic career positions by Vice-Chancellors, the inclusion of University staff school into the University community, non-payment of minimum wage arrears, and funding of state Universities, amongst others.

All these are not unconnected with the ongoing Strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), which is currently undergoing another two month Strike extension.

With all these brouhahas going on, the Minister for labour, employment and productivity Hon Chris Ngige has declared to run for Presidency and is going on with nationwide campaigns, This is the sad story of our dear country.