Every state is in dire need of a leader who knows where his people are coming from, and what it takes to lead the state to the promise land, Knowing where we are headed to and by far what is needed; given their creativity in the search for peace and stability in governance; it is only proper to want to join them in this search to deepen democracy.Instructive as it was conceived, I am persuaded to believe that we all have a role to play in the affairs of the state; if we desire that we build a greater Plateau .This post, to all intent and purposes, doesn't seek to only shine a spot light on the gentleman personified from Dungung in the person of Dr Nentawe Nentawe Yilwatda Goshwe but also gives an insight the role leaders seeking to lead should be involved in.

Yours sincerely may not have openly disclosed to public domain my relationship with Dr Nentawe Yilwatda on account of the fact that he and I share a history. Even though not until providence brought us directly in contact with each other in 2019 when I was serving my country in Ebonyi state precisely Abakaliki town his knowledge of the town was fascinating as I got to understand he had undergone some important assignments for some international organisations within Ebonyi state so was well exposed to the terrain the extent he gave me unrelenting support was super surprising considering we both didn't come from the same place nor had we known ourselves from Adam  but purely an act of benevolence conceived from a deep sense of reasoning and Understanding.

Over the years, but more of late, I have intensely shared his post, documents and media related materials of his candidacy without remorse.

 I paid close attention to his speeches and participated in most of his engagements which opened my perspectives on the various potentials embedded on the plateau like the potato value chain he intends to drive and increasing the power generating capacity of the state by opening up the farin ruwa , Pankshin, and kwall power stations to improve the Industrial and economic potential of the state those who know, are quick to point to the fact one does not prepare for the office of a governor in a year. It takes several years of deliberate efforts and plans to stay on course; so much to the point that when they are successfull, a lot stand in awe of it.Going by what Dr Nentawe Yilwatda has consistently been engaged in over time, one would have observed in all honesty that leaders are supposed to direct the cause, setting the agenda rather than the led. It is on this note that if you have studied the ACEES Agenda, it is not easy to underrate his preparations for the office. The agenda has been carefully worked out for years through in-depth research for an environment, that if given the opportunity; he could transform it beyond what it is presently.The soon to be released document ACEES agenda Code named so, is targeted at addressing agriculture and critical infrastructures, the economy, youth and gender empowerment, education and security. It is an opportunity to help address these areas which have suffered tremendous deficit in the past; therefore, any action to redeem the state from them would be appreciated.Every politician worthy of consideration for leadership has an appointed time to make impact on the people or, as they say, shine for the state. Indeed, the qualities of leadership in a man can be seen or even observed from what he or she does in the community.If you know the antecedence of Nentawe Yilwatda Goshwe, and the initiatives that have characterized his life even before assuming public relevance, it won’t be long before anyone comes to terms with the rich quality, which tells a story, that indeed ideas will always rule the world.A lot of people; particularly students have benefited in more ways than one, from different scholarships schemes, computers, empowerment initiatives and other schemes meant to keep them busy and productive.Truly, ‘the burden in a man can birth his true leadership vision; brought by the burden he has carried for years.

 The life to be given can only be made possible by the vision he carries’.

For the numerous things done for the people and elsewhere in the past, the bigger challenge of ‘bequeathing a secured, united and prosperous Plateau’ is no doubt the bigger picture he had dreamt of for years. History beckons on the tall man of Dungung(Katdapdba Yunana Gobum 26/11/2022)

Joel Choji Pam 

With excerpts from

 Katdapba Yunana Gobum 

Being pastor would have suited Nentawe and Mutfwang