By Kazi Nanyah(Ace News Online),Nanyah Daman(NewsGate Magazine), Yuwana Enoch(NewsCrest Newspaper), Justin Jattim(Jat HotNews Newspaper), Michael Nangwang(Frank News Magazine), Anastasia Jatbyen(Emerald Magazine) and Vanessa Timbyen(Trust News Online), Abuja. 

The Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria (IHVN) has reached a significant milestone with the commissioning of its new campus, a magnificent 7-story twin tower that will serve as a hub for clinical diagnosis, research, and the delivery of efficient healthcare services in Nigeria. 

The IHVN Campus, located at Plot 62, Emeritus Umaru Shehu Avenue, Cadastral Zone COO (After Base University, Abuja), is a testament to the institute's commitment to improving healthcare infrastructure and outcomes in Nigeria. This state-of-the-art facility features multiple offices, training rooms, bio-specimen repositories, and laboratories equipped with cutting-edge technology. It is designed to facilitate groundbreaking research, provide comprehensive clinical services, and elevate the overall healthcare standards in Nigeria and the West African region.

On Monday, June 5, 2023, IHVN kicked off the commissioning events with a Scientific Seminar held from 10 am to 1 pm at the IHVN Campus itself. Esteemed researchers and experts from IHVN's International Research Centre of Excellence, alongside their counterparts from various institutions worldwide, convened to share experiences, exchange knowledge, and identify avenues for collaborative research. The seminar aimed to harness the influence of both local and international researchers in advancing clinical management and treatment approaches for infectious and non-infectious diseases, benefiting not only Nigeria but also the broader African community.

Later that evening, the Gala Night took place from 5 pm to 10 pm at the renowned Congress Hall in Transcorp Hilton, Abuja. The Gala Night served as a celebration of the collective efforts and partnerships that have been instrumental in building the infrastructure necessary to provide quality healthcare services to Nigerians and beyond. It provided an opportunity for stakeholders, government officials, and supporters of IHVN's mission to come together, reflect on past achievements, and look forward to a future of enhanced healthcare and research capabilities.

On Tuesday, June 6, 2023, the highlight of the commissioning events arrived with the official IHVN Building Commissioning at 10 am on the IHVN Campus. Distinguished guests, including government officials, renowned researchers, healthcare professionals, and representatives from partner organizations, gathered to witness this momentous occasion. The commissioning ceremony symbolized the inauguration of a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to revolutionizing healthcare delivery, research, and education in Nigeria.

Chief Executive Officer, IHVN, Dr. Patrick Dakum, expressed his deep appreciation and excitement, stating, "The commissioning of the IHVN Campus is a culmination of our relentless efforts to provide exceptional healthcare services and drive groundbreaking research in Nigeria. This new facility will empower us to make significant strides in understanding and combatting infectious diseases. We are grateful for the collaborative partnerships that have made this achievement possible and look forward to the transformative impact it will have on healthcare in our country and beyond."

He said: “So far, IHVN has provided support to improve the quality of life of people living with HIV, through treatment care and support; empowerment of healthcare workers through training; equipping and strengthening laboratory capacity in-country; increasing access and utilisation of basic nutrition services by pregnant and lactating women, adolescent girls and children under five in nine local councils of Kano State; contributing in reducing the burden of TB by complementing and accelerating the ongoing activities implemented by the Nigerian government and other implementing partners that it is collaborating with. IHVN is also involved in curbing gender-based violence and support for orphans and vulnerable children.

The commissioning of the IHVN Campus serves as a beacon of hope, reflecting Nigeria's commitment to advancing healthcare and research. It paves the way for a brighter future, where scientific advancements and collaborative efforts will contribute to a healthier, more resilient society.

The IHVN Campus also represents a critical advancement in Nigeria's healthcare landscape, as it will strengthen the nation's ability to respond to emerging health challenges, conduct cutting-edge research, and provide high-quality healthcare services. With its impressive infrastructure and a dedicated team of experts, IHVN is poised to lead the way in fostering innovation, improving patient outcomes, and ultimately making a lasting impact on the health and well-being of the Nigerian population and the wider African continent.

In his remark before commissioning the edifice, Prof. Emeritus Umaru Shehu, IHVN Board Chairman, who was represented at the event reflected on the significance of the momentous occasion which marks a turning point in the pursuit of advanced healthcare and research capabilities in Africa.

“As the Board Chairman of IHVN, I am filled with immense pride and gratitude as I reflect on the journey that has brought us here. Today, we stand on the shoulders of countless individuals, from researchers and healthcare professionals to policymakers and philanthropists, who have relentlessly worked towards our collective vision of transforming healthcare outcomes in Nigeria”.

He said that the conception of the building, and commissioning of the IHVN Campus remain a bold step to providing state–of the–art platform for building capacity, implementation, and research at standards that are globally recognised for Nigeria and Africa.

“The IHVN Campus, with its magnificent twin towers, represents not just a physical structure, but a symbol of hope and progress. It is a testament to our unwavering commitment to tackle the pressing healthcare challenges that our nation faces. This campus will serve as a beacon of excellence, fostering collaboration, and driving innovation in the field of virology and beyond.

As we commission this campus, let us also acknowledge the importance of partnerships. We stand here as a result of the collective efforts and shared vision of government bodies, international organizations, academic institutions, and philanthropic foundations. It is through these collaborations that we have been able to bring cutting-edge technologies, resources, and expertise to our doorstep”.

The  IHVN’s key technical and funding partners were present at the event and also shared goodwill messages from their respective Chiefs of party, including: the US  Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)’.

The institute has expanded its services to cover other communicable and non-communicable diseases, such as Tuberculosis (TB), malaria, cancer, COVID-19, and other emerging diseases.

So far, 20,000 children were initiated on ART while IHVN also provided TB treatment to more than 49,000 clients. From 2019 – 2022, IHVN has also engaged 24,445 private healthcare providers, including 497 faith-based organisations, 2,743 private-for-profit organizations, 203 private laboratories, and 14,196 community pharmacies and patent medicine dealerships to provide tuberculosis services.

These initiatives are all geared towards creating an enabling environment to facilitate research activities that bridge international and Nigerian researchers.  IHVN has also established IRCE to promote public/private partnerships for quality health services.