A chieftain of the All Progressive Party (APC) in Plateau State, Saleh Mandung Zazzaga, has blasted some house of assembly members from his party over what he termed selfish interest on their part. 

Zazzaga who is also the Chairman of the North Central APC Forum  tackled the legislators on his Facebook page monitored by our correspondent said... 

His post read that  some of the APC members of the Plateau State House of Assembly declared by the Court of Appeal as the winner of the 2023 elections after sacking of the PDP members on technical grounds are already planning to do things for their personal interest and not for the interest of the party (APC) or the state.

That is the main reason we have been skeptical about them. They haven't been sworn in yet, but they are already planning impeachment here and there, scrabbling about who to appoint as speaker among themselves and all manners of unhelpful stuffs and infighting.

He alleged that   " That is the reason the speaker, Gabriel Dewan, and maybe the government, by extension, only sworn in 9 out of the 16 of them, because the speaker too is fighting for his interest just as the APC members are doing, as well as the government.

That is why we can see the swearing in of the selected few happened upon negotiation, and that is normal because politics is the game of interest.

He added that  But what our members are doing is for their personal interest and not in the interet of the party or the state. And these are people that couldn't command political respect in their constituency or deliver votes for our party. If not for the mistake of our opponent, the PDP which gave us Judicial advantage where would our APC members be today?

I therefore advice them to first come with a good mind to work and to serve, and to also work for the people and the advancement of the state, rather than their unhealthy selfish plan.

So, before we blame the speaker for not swearing in the others, let's blame the members who are already making dangerous scheming even when they haven't come in yet. And the speaker as well as government is aware. And if you are in the shoes of the speaker or government you will equally want to scheme your own, knowing that some of those coming are not having a good plan for you.

Therefore, the reason I am not supporting the planning of some of these our APC members is that it is not for the interest of our party or even the state, and at this point all we need is political stability, peace and development because Plateau has been having plenty economic and security challenges, of which further political crisis will only make it worse.

After my over 25 years of political experience, I should be able to know what goes on and make political predictions and analysis, and many of which I have made always jell. That is why even when some call me different names I am not bothered.

We all have our political interests, but I always try to put the interest of our party, my constituency, our state, the North Central region and the nation at large ahead, he added.