Global grassroot interfaith network for United Religions Initiative (West Africa Region),
 has step down training on health approach to violence prevention and peace building for religious leaders in Plateau State.

A one day interface which held in Yelwa Club, Bukuru Jos South LGA, meant for Christian and Muslim leaders within the locality aimed at fashion out modalities of de-escalating violence that may likely occur in the communities.

Our correspondent reports that the engagement was the first of it's kind Global grassroot interfaith network initiated.

It was also learned that the capacity building workshop tagged: " Health approach to violence prevention; role of religious leaders in Jos South LGA, is in partnership with Kazatsi Reconciliation Center and Human Development.

Dr. Emmanuel Ande Ivorgba, West Africa Regional Coordinator United Religions Initiative, stated that the driven philosophy of the network hinges on promoting daily peace building in the communities across the world. 

"We are hosting violence prevention and peace building training here in Bukuru, Jos South Local Government Area today for religious leaders. As we know violence as like epidemic is contingeous. Once it starts it has the capacity to spread. Recognizing the important role that the religious leaders played in peace building, this training is bringing together religious leaders, Muslim and Christian, and as you can see members of the security forces together. To be able to learn and equip them with the resources so that they can go back to their Churches and Mosques as well as local communities especially here in Jos South to be able to mobilize their members for the peace building activities."

The coordinator confirmed that in the first quarter of this year 2024, "the training was organized at the state level where leaders were brought across the 17 local government areas. Now this is an opportunity to step down the experiences. 

"So looking at how volatile Jos South is, it have been selected to see how the message can be brought down to the local communities and then we monitor to see the changes that will happen within Jos South and then Jos North will be the next. Infact the whole idea is to move from one local government to another", he added.

Ajang Daniel leading coordinator of the project, noted that the choice of religious leaders is very key as far as peace building process is concerned as politicians failed overtime.

"Religious leaders have power and influence over their followers and if they can be able to channel 50% of the religious teachings into peaceful coexistence Nigeria will achieve maximum peace and tranquility."

Expressing his take learned from the interface, Pastor Abraham Philip admits violence requires divine intervention because it spread like a pandemic and caused a lot of harm if  not curtail curtail on time.

"I prayed as religious leaders God will grant us the grace to continue spreading the message of peace to our families, congregations and communities."

Another participant Musa Umar, the organizing secretary JNI Jos South LGA acknowledged the interface has impacted a lot on him, saying he will going to continue spreading the message of peace for meaningful development in his community, Plateau and Nigeria as a whole.