The Senate at Plenary of Thursday 26/09/19 considered the report of it's Ad Hoc committee on the Agenda of the 9th Senate of which Senator I.D.Gyang was a member.

Distinguished Senators bare their minds and made meaningful contributions to enrich the report touching on all sectors of our national life from Security, Economy, Agriculture, Health, Education, Infrastructure, Power, Employment generation, Poverty alleviation, Devolution of powers, State Police, Gender issues, Youth development etc, etc.

Senator I.D.Gyang reiterated the provision in the report that took cognizance of peculiar regional development challenges and demanded for the emplacement of a legislative framework that will enable the Federal governmen intervene and facilitate the return of internally displaced persons to their ancestral homes and to undertake the reconstruction of communities displaced by violence and banditry in the North Central and North West regions of the nation, thus, replicating the initiative implemented in the North East region.

By adopting the Ad Hoc committee's report with the neccessary amendments as it's agenda and road map, the 9th Senate is set to address critical development challenges of the nation, including the plight of displaced persons and communities.