At the event where the government of Plateau State distributed about 500 water pumps out of the 1500 procured under the African Development Bank (AfDB) Plateau State Potato Value Chain Project. The Governor of Plateau State, Bar Simon Bako Lalong told the gathering he has chosen to return to farming as soon as his tenure comes to an end in 2023. KATDAPBA Y. GOBUM takes a look at the import of the declaration on the economy of the sector; if we all get involved.

For those of you who may have convoluted minds about this development, you may wish to take a minute before you send your expected missiles about the piece. He has already been blessed to become a Speaker at a point and Governor for eight years. Only God can further chart the course of his future undertakings, therefore, it is; as we all know not within the purview of man to decide what he would be doing in the next few years.
Whatever he chooses to engage himself after he leaves the Government House must be a choice well taken by him. But if God directs him to a venture outside his calling, I am sure it would be accepted with gratitude. If the governor has elected to return to the farm, methinks we have reasons to stop and consider his choice and what impact it will have on the sector.
If we must know; and it is not a hidden fact, it has been established that Governor Simon Bako Lalong has been into farming long before going to the Government House, Rayfield. To think that he will be a starter is running away from the truth. It is on record that his rice farm at Nyak (Ajikamai), Shendam local government area is exemplary to those who occupy sensitive positions but are engaged in farming to feed the nation.
At least that is one vocation which is not prohibited for occupants of such positions as president, governors and others in such category that the constitution debars them from engaging. If there is anything worth doing for the sake of the peoples’ stomachs and the economy, taking to farming is the next better thing than depending on oil.
The mainstay of our economy has been oil; and for decades our governments have solely relied on oil at the detriment of agriculture and other critical sectors which are able to help the economy. We are aware that in the last couple of years, the eyes of government and its attention have shifted to agriculture ensuring that our dependence on the black gold is minimized.
It is a fact that most governments have now shifted their attention on farming. Those that hitherto thought it will add nothing to the economy have since realized that it will end up the savior of our economies. Those that are not into agriculture may continue depending on Abuja for their monthly subvention, with some attention on internally generated revenue.
Governments have realized that in not doing so, what they promised their people may not be executed. No government survives without planning; and indeed in same way, you cannot plan without finance. To succeed, governments have various means by which the needs of their people are met.
But it is critical to be engaged in agriculture, however, the next important issue to tackle is for governments to up the ante in revenue generation. Apart from ensuring that their internally generated revenue profiles are changed for the better, it will be right to use such revenues for the sake of modernizing agriculture. Modern agriculture has increased the potentials of nations considering agriculture. It has made some nations depend on others for survival.
Some of the times in the past, revenues generated are not used for the right purposes by some governments. As a result, such states have ended up waiting for the monthly subvention from Abuja to be given before embarking on certain activities or projects.
It is a fact that the choice of the governor should be considered as impactful, as it is in our estimation the right thing to be considered for the agricultural sector. If all major players in our economy take to farming, before long, the center will be free of the problems brought from the regions.
It is important to note that there are very few of us who may not have come from a farming family or community as the case might be. In this regard therefore, states have a responsibility to continue to inculcate in younger persons why they should choose farming as addition to what they are doing. It may no doubt sound odd to many of them. They may not know, there are a number of graduates who have. 
If there is anything politically speaking to occupy in the land is to go to the National Assembly or the Presidency and or if he elects to become an ambassador in a foreign mission. As a child, I saw and join my parents labour to ensure there was food to eat and money to take care of us at school and for our needs.
The report had quoted the governor as saying, if he finishes serving his people; ‘I will go into farming, after my tenure as governor’. It continued thus, telling in graphic details why his farms will take pre-eminence after serving the people:
The Governor of Plateau State, Mr. Simon Lalong, has declared that he would be going into a full - scale farming after his tenure as governor expires in May 2023. This declaration was to counter the insinuation that Lalong was planning to to move from the Government House to the Senate’s chamber in 2023.
Lalong stated this yesterday during the distribution of 500 water pumps for irrigation farming in the state, which was held at the premises of the Plateau Agricultural Development Programme (PADP), Dogon Dutse, Jos in Jos North Local Government Council.
The governor said that he would resuscitate the state’s agricultural training centers. He said: “Even me, I will go there for three - month course. Yes, because after my tenure as governor, I am going back to the farm. So, if I don’t go for that training, I will not know how to farm.”
Agriculture, according to him, took the country’s economy out of recession. “So, why should we joke with agriculture? So, any time I see insecurity anywhere, I try to address the insecurity because I know when there is crisis, there will be no opportunity for farmers to go and farm.
“Those who think they can get money through crisis, their days are over. So, if you want to make money, I say, come to agriculture. You will become millionaires in Plateau State. So, we cannot afford to joke with the support of big development partners such as the African Development Bank.”
Lalong added that his administration is also carrying out the construction of 200 kilometer rural roads spread across the 17 councils of the state, which would create access for transporting farm inputs and evacuating harvested crops with ease.
“To facilitate irrigation farming of potatoes and other vegetables, this administration has procured 1,500 irrigation water pumps to be distributed for farmers across the 17 local government areas of the state,” he said.
The position taken may not be well received by many, you may retire from other vocations; but retirement in farming has average age. ‘Health plays a big part in most farmers’ decisions to retire. When some body parts don’t work properly, many farmers don’t give up their agricultural pursuits; instead, they figure out ways to continue with what still functions. Uncertainty about what lies ahead is consternating for the majority of (farmers) and can be especially troubling for people advancing toward the end of life.’
We are at the stage where our choices are not limited. There are varieties of things that we can engage ourselves in doing. Farming can be one of those choices. It is the responsibility of government to continue to encourage farmers and even those who are on the sitting on the fence and begging for an opportunity to make a choice.
If for anything, the choice will spur and encourage other farmers as to the need to return to what helped built Nigeria years back. His farm will help to feed several homes; and by extension build our economy.