By Nanyah Daman, Justin Nanyah, Ponjul Lipdo  & Peter James.

Dr.Titus Dajel,the Chairman of the Nigeria Medical Association, Plateau State Chapter assisted by Dr.Bapiga'an William Audu, PRO and Dr.Nakah Joseph Nababa, Financial Secretary of the NMA presented furniture to the Plateau Radio Television Corporation at Rayfield Jos today Monday 15th June,2020.

The items were received on behalf of PRTVC's General Manager, Mr Jephtha Jackden by Miss Hudung Gyang, Director Programme of the cooperation.

In his remarks Dr.Titus Dajel,the NMA Chairman during the presentation of the furniture said the media has been in partnership with the NMA in quality delivery of health information. He also reiterated that PRTVC is helping the Medical institutions in creating awareness to the public on health related developments.

The Plateau State NMA Chairman said the Association has to compliment the Government efforts in providing infrastructure. He hinted that the furniture provided will help the media house in the  provision of quality delivery of information to the public.

In her response, Miss Hudung Gyang, the Director of Programmes, PRTVC, on behalf of the Management of PRTVC thanked the NMA for  partnering with the PRTVC.

She said this is not the first time the NMA is donating materials to the corporation and that the items may be small but the kind gesture is worth applauding.

She prayed that God Almighty should to help and bless the NMA.