Dr Jemchang Fabong Yildam, the Director General of the Plateau State Contributory Healthcare Management Agency received the Board,Executive Committee,Publishers,Staff  of the Plateau State Publishers Association at the head office of the Agency.

Leading the delegation was the Chairman of the Association, Chief Amos Gizo. According to the Chairman, the purpose of the visit was to partner with the organization in terms of communication and creating of awareness to the public through writing. Believing that writing is one of the strongest and oldest means of communication that reaches every locality.

The second purpose of the visit was to get the association key into the scheme and become beneficiaries.

In his response, the Director General of the agency Dr. Fabong Jemchang Yildam was delighted and assured them of partnership. Going forward, he used the opportunity to enlighten them on the plans and the importance of Universal Health Coverage on the Plateau and how every Resident of plateau is to benefit from the scheme without suffering financial hardships.