By Daniel Dauda,Jos

At least 20,014 Patients in Qua’an-Pan Local Government Area of Plateau State and Environs have benefited from the free Comprehensive Medical and Surgical Services.

The free medical exercise was  organized by Qua’an-Pan Local Government Council, under the leadership of Hon. Ernest Abner Da’a, in conjunction with Eden Compassion and Health Mission (ECHM).

The general report presented by the medical team shows that, 20,014 people were attended to in the Four (4) zones located at Doemak, Kwalla and Namu , where; 90 persons underwent Obstetrics and Gynaecological Surgeries (Myomectomies, C/S, TAH, DELUENIES); 210 went through eye surgeries, while 470 received eye glasses and 2,621 received consultations and other eye treatments.

In the same vain, 630 persons benefited from General Surgeries, which include Appendicitis, Hernia Hydrocele and Lipoma;  9,713 had Professional Consultations, while 415 persons were scanned for various ailments.

The exercise which lasted for 7 days saw 5,865 persons benefited from Laboratory Investigations, with emphasis on Hepatitis, H/Pylori, Malaria, Rvs, Rbs, High Value, Urinalysis, transfusions, among others.

While speaking at the closing ceremony, the Executive Chairman of Qua’an-Pan, Hon. Ernest Abner Da’a, reiterated his administration's desire to provide services that have direct bearings on the lives of the common man.

Da'a stressed that, the idea of the medical and surgical intervention was to help the populace in accessing medical services, especially the less privileged. 

He stated that the Management will study the report of the medical team and follow expertise recommendations and come up with further Interventions in areas of prevalence.

According him, "generally speaking, outreach services are the possibilities to enhance access to health workers and to improve overall retention at a particular level. It is in line with this assertion that the Qua’an Project (Endless Possibilities) saw the need to mobilize urban health workers to serve our remote or underserved areas as a strategy to improve access to health to the population in this blessed locality,” the Chairman noted.

“Owing to this, we segmented the delivery of the health services into four (4) Medical Facilities, including PHC Namu, Gateway Clinic Namu, PHC Doemak and Cottage Hospital Kwalla. This was done to create proximity and to avoid congestion, as well as making the services, real free” Hon. Da’a stated. 

He further reiterated,  saying “This administration is determined to provide governance that will have direct bearings on the lives of the people. It is our desire to extend the days, so, in no distant time, another opportunity may be provided.”

“We are proud to partner with Eden Compassion and Health Mission International for this Medical Outreach taking place from 24th to 29th January, 2022 here at Cottage Hospital Kwalla; and we hope to be committed to such fellowship to continue to offer free medical services to our people,” he added.

The Chairman used the opportunity to thank Governor Simon Lalong whose health blueprint is their template. He also appreciated the Stakeholders of Qua’an-Pan LGA, the Leader and members of the Legislative Arm, the Directors and Staff,  the PHC Department and Management of Gateway Clinic Namu.

He expressed gratitude to the Qua’an-Pan Traditional Council, APC EXCO and party faithful, the Religious Leaders, Security Agencies and all loving people of Qua’an-Pan and environs, for their support toward the success of the exercise.

On his part, the MD/CEO Eden Compassion and Health Mission Plateau State, Dr. Longbap Dinfa thanked God and the Qua’an-Pan Project Administration for the ‘privilege’ to make positive impact in the lives of the people of Qua’an-Pan LGA and environs.

He commended the Local Government, describing the exercise as one of the best medical interventions ECHM has ever embarked upon and called on the Local Government Council to organise such, at least twice a year.

The Long Pan and President Qua’an-Pan Traditional Council,  Nda Emmanuel Dabang, represented by the District Head of Doemak (Long Doemak), Miskagam Cosmos Ndelong Dakyap, expressed gratitude for the  free medical services to the people of the area.

The Traditional Council assured of their Royal blessings and support towards the success of every good gesture to the people. The representative of the Long Pan was in Company of the Acting District Head of Kwalla, Miskagam John Dakogol, who was represented by the Village Head of Shangfuup.

The closing ceremony was climaxed with the presentation of an Award of Excellence to the Executive Chairman and Leader of Qua’an-Pan Project Hon. Ernest Abner Da’a, by ECHM, in recognition of his administration’s effort in health service delivery.

The event was graced by Notable Dignitaries from neighbouring LGAs, the Executive Council members, members of the Legislature, Technocrats and many others from all walks of life.