The All Progressives Congress youth groups in Plateau state have adopted the Commissioner of Information and Communication, Plateau State, Hon. Daniel Manjang, anipr as Dr. Nentawe Yilwatda’s running mate.

The APC Progressive Minds for Dan Manjang (PMDM) Youth and Support Groups, a coalition of support groups under the banner of APC groups in Plateau state, is holding this press conference to put request of competence in proper perspective with regards to the readiness of the All Progressives Congress in the 2023 general elections.

It remains a statement that since the election of Dr. Nentawe Yilwatda as the gubernatorial candidate of our great party APC, there has been lots of disingenuous push towards filling the deputy governor’s slot of the party.

It has also been muted in some quarters, the idea of a COOCIN-COCIN ticket for the party in the general elections, is a move the APC PMDM Youth and Support Groups finds welcoming and not against in the overall interest of Plateau state. Our primary concern is for Plateau to succeed beyond any platform or association.

It is also very worrisome to note that some interested parties in our great party have elected to constitute themselves as king makers in the affairs of the party hence their contemptible role in stimulating on the party a candidature that would be hard to sell to the electorates.

The implication of such cannot be overemphasized, hence the need for the leadership of the party to be circumspect regarding the choice of a deputy gunernatorial candidate in the general elections.

As concerned stakeholders in Plateau state, APC and Northern Plateau, we have considered several issues at stake and conclude that the most suitable deputy gubernatorial candidate for the APC should be a servant of notable pedigree that has the capacity to unite the various ethnic and religious compositions in Plateau North in particular and in the state at large.

It is our considered opinion that such a candidate is needed to cause a balance to the APC gubernatorial ticket because its gubernatorial candidate, Dr. Nentawe Yilwatda Goshwe, is from the Plateau Central zone. The rational thing to do is to nominate a candidate from the Plateau North as the deputy gubernatorial candidate of the APC.

Consequently, and in line with the prevailing circumstances, the APC PMDM Youth and Support Groups wishes to inform the general public of the endorsement of Hon. Daniel Manjang as the deputy gubernatorial candidate of the APC.

Our position is hinged on the fact that Hon. Daniel Manjang is a bridge-builder and a unifying figure, as evident in his numerous contributions in Plateau state even as a serving commissioner for information.

Hon. Dan Manjang with wealth of experience and an intimidating credential that speaks volume of commitment towards Plateau’s sustainable growth and development. This much has been evident in the numerous offices he has held over the years.

His stewardship as the Hon. Commissioner for information has seen a total turnaround in the state’s efficiency in reaching out to the public with firsthand information since he assumed that position. This speaks volumes of his administrative competence, which is needed at this critical point of our existence.

We hold the firm conviction that the choice of Hon. Daniel Manjang as the deputy gubernatorial candidate of the APC in Plateau state comes with its attendant benefits as it would give the APC a balanced ticket that would eventually guarantee electoral success at the polls come 2023.

Hon. Daniel Manjang is also a known figure in every parts of the 17 local government area of the state because of his numerous contributions to promoting peace, development and information sharing. His appeal also cuts across all ages due to his broad views on issues.

May we also use this medium to appeal to the leadership of the APC in Plateau state to do all that is necessary towards securing the nomination of Hon. Daniel Manjang as the party’s deputy gubernatorial candidate in the forthcoming general elections.

It is our firm belief that with Hon. Daniel Manjang as the supporting candidate of the APC, the party is guaranteed victory at the polls because of the strong followership he enjoys amongst the Plateau Northern community.

The APC PMDM Youth and Support Groups entirely endorse Hon. Daniel Manjang as the deputy gubernatorial candidate of the APC.

Thank you all, and God bless Plateau State.