Yes we are disenchanted about our current state.

Yes the politicians have used and dumped us.

Yes we have been used to be instruments of disunity and chaos.

Yes we are not where we are supposed to be as a State.

But we have protested,protested against *#PoliceBrutality, #ExtraJudicialKillings,*

*#HerdersAttacks and*


We have also advocated for *#Youth inclusion in Governance* but the spate of the recent vandalization of Government and Private properties is so uncalled for. So uncultured of Youths willing and anxious to take charge of the helms of power soonest. Best believe,our grievances have been noted. We should begin to hold our Government responsible instead of making the State ungovernable.

If we don't tell ourselves the truth now when shall we? If we don't speak against the evil of stealing under any guise to gather sympathy to justify the shameful acts,when shall we? Is this the kind of Youth take over we have been hoping and praying for?  

Violence of all forms should be condemned by every right thinking human. But just incase, Lagos State have a lot to burn down or vandalize though criminal,we should not be copying but building. Indeed,Lagos State is no close match with our beloved,Plateau State.

We are all aware of the backwardness we have encountered and still encountering as a result of the insecurity that have and still bedeviling us as a people for about two decades now. It is most unfortunate that at the time we should be building is that that we tear down.

A passionate appeal goes to the Youths in other Local Government Areas of the State to please remain calm and observe withstrain as the State can no longer afford to make a step forward and two step backwards. We can not continue to be the Architects of our misfortunes.

The Youths of our day whom have allowed themselves to be misguided should have a change of mind. Government properties are ours to protect niether are Private properties ours to vandalize.

In the rebuilding process of a New Plateau and Nigeria by extension,more hands are needed on deck- not the hands of criminals anyways because we dare not risk the Country of our dreams into the wrong hands anymore.

The Youths of Plateau must rise to the occasion to comport themselves as responsible citizens,as protectors of our common heritage and peace builders as we begin the rebuilding process.

I appeal to the Plateau State Government under the watch of Rt. Hon. (Dr.) Simon Bako Lalong KSGG to rise above sentiments and build trust between his Government and the Plateau people. Now is the best time to write his name in the sands of time- a rare opportunity indeed.

The Plateau State Government should also display a high sense of magnanimity by declaring a State pardon for the looters of warehouses where palliatives meant for distribution are kept and for the vandals of Government properties in the State.

*Plateau,Why don't we begin on a clean slate this time around?*