Alh. Dayyabu Garga: A man of substance


Taru Salim Dugub

Dayyabu Garga is an experienced, pragmatic, vibrant, diligent, amiable, competent, intelligent, eloquent, effulgent, and God- fearing man whose strong interest is to bridge the gap between the cream of the society and the pauperized, many that permeate a larger part of the society.

According to him, “no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and uplifting people in the society.” This is the reason why those who had crossed the path of Dayyabu Garga the Walin Garga. obviously attest to his personality as that of philanthropist who thoroughly understand the principle of alms giving in the society.

He once said; “giving is contagious” and when he gives, he does not only help the recipient but also spur a ripple effect of generosity throughout the community.  This has endeared him wholeheartedly to the people.


In so many ways, he has laid down his life for others not as a fool but simply to demonstrate his acquired qualities of a good leader and by extension, acting upon the old adage which says “teach one how to fish rather than giving out a fish for free all the time.”

In line with this, he has successfully secured admission for many students into various Nigeria Institutions over the years as a way of giving back to the society which produced him, paid jamb and Neco registration to many and a lot others.

More to the many positives of Dayyabu Garga is his availability that has made him to always be at the beck and call of the people and ready to listen to what everybody has to say. he is always bent on enhancing educational opportunities for children to become life long readers in his charitable distribution through the provision of writing materials, offering of tuition fees to the needy and supporting school infrastructural developments. He has geared all of these towards making the environment conducive for adequate and proper learning.

He has out of his volition committed himself to humanity project by propagating the gospel of kindness within and outside his domain through the veritable tools of love, peace and unity to mentioned but a few.

A genius and a humble human of this kind with a good reasons deserved a wonderful prayer at a good time , on a good day, with a good wish, and a good hope. May Almighty God bless your rising, bless your honest work, grant the desires of your heart and make your life beautiful in every ramifications. If the whole society was strewn with people like you it would have been a paradise for all. Thus, keep on working with this passion and willpower as you shall positively live long with sound health to reap what you sow.


Remain eternally blessed. Our hero