Several things have happened in Plateau State, no doubt. Apart from the NAFEST 2020, one good thing which has happened in Plateau State that is worthy of mention amongst men of goodwill is the return of looted palliatives by some people during the #EndSARS protests.

We are aware of the destruction which took place in the wake of the protests. Several lives were lost, as much as individuals and government properties. In several states the destruction witnessed can only be imagined. As much we know those who have looked and or quantified destruction of properties are distraught.

I am aware that some states have already stated how much they would need to get back to where they were taken from. For instance, Plateau and Lagos States have told the world in plain language they need about 75 billion and 1 trillion respectively to build infrastructure and other properties which have been destroyed by the protesters. How that can be raised still remains a mystery to the governments.

In just about two days or so, Plateau State witnessed one of the most atrocious pillaging of government and private properties, apart from loss of lives in some three local government areas of Jos North and South and Riyom. By the time the dust had settled, it was hard to believe what had hit those local government areas.

While it could be said that those who took home the various items from some of the storage facilities and private homes rejoiced over the spoils they got, there may be sets that didn’t enjoy it a bit. There must have been regrets as could have been seen or observed in certain utterances after the protests.

It is understood that there is hunger in the land. There is no doubt that a lot of families are going through severe hardship; such that it is enough to make a man do the impossible or what he or she may not have done before. I am aware that there are families that could go to bed with empty stomach, but would dare not have indulged in the act; yet the manner in which the palliatives were stolen brought a note of concern to the world.

Note that we have raised our eyebrows on the attitude of some governments on the manner the issue of palliatives was treated. While certain governments released the items to those that matter, a number were in the habit of hoarding them for purposes best known to them. Some of them did not hoard but were reported to be in the process of getting them to their people.

No matter the degree of the certainty of what they intended to do with the items, one thing that comes out clean and which should teach governments a lesson is the fact that time has come for all to ensure that strategic reserves are a matter of priority for such emergencies. We have come to a point that governments have to be conscious of the survival of its people, knowing that in other climes, governments spend a lot to plan for the food security of its citizens.

By keeping all manner of food in reserves as emergencies are likely to make them save their citizens from hunger and other such calamities that had befallen nations. We didn’t hear of anything such as what happened in some states during the protest.

It is perhaps on record that all nations that were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic did not pass through what Nigeria experienced; yet it should be stated that if there was any protest at all, it did not record any pronounced casualties. Measures that may have been taken long before had helped to cushion the effect of the sufferings that came in the wake of the pandemic.

Some few days ago, the seat of the Plateau State Government, Rayfield witnessed a beehive of activities, but one that should call those who looted government and private properties to account on what took place in Jos. It is no lie that in several homes, items that were looted are still stashed in corners of homes or even at markets being sold to unsuspecting customers without any regrets.

Last week, some items were returned, thanks to a certain Man of God who has taken the task to speak against it as many of such people amongst us. Reproduced below is the press release that was given when Rev Ezekiel Dachomo led them to the Government House:

‘Some people who participated in looting of items during the recent vandalisation of warehouses and other public and private properties under the guise of looking for palliatives have returned the items in their possession, asking for forgiveness from the Government of Plateau State. 

‘The repentant persons were led to the new Government House Rayfield Jos led by popular evangelist of the Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN) Rev. Ezekiel Dachomo who explained that they made the confession during a prayer revival orgainsed at the Zang Secondary School Bukuru, Jos South Local Government.

‘The clergyman said over two thousand people came forward after the hearing the gospel where he preached against the recent looting and vandalism which affected public and private properties in the State. 

‘This action according to him is not just an invitation of the anger of God against the suspects but the entire State. He said the hijack of the ENDSARS protest is a plan of the devil to scuttle the will of God for Plateau State which cannot be left without intercession. 

‘Touched by the message, some of the persons involved in the looting repented and decided to bring some of the items still in their possessions, as a mark of restitution and plea for mercy from God and the Government of Plateau State. 

‘Rev. Dachomo appealed to the Governor of Plateau State Simon Bako Lalong to temper justice with mercy by granting forgiveness to the repentant persons who voluntarily came forward at the revival meeting with a promise never to partake in such acts again. 

‘Receiving the items on behalf of the Governor, Secretary to the Government of the State Prof. Danladi Abok Atu commended Rev. Dachomo for appealing to the consciences of the affected persons who came forward to ask for forgiveness. 

‘He said the action of the looters was a great disservice to the State as not only food items were looted, but heavy machinery, public infrastructure and businesses worth billions of naira were stolen and also destroyed. 

‘He advised the youths of Plateau State to be wary of listening to incitement by people who are not even from Plateau State, but come into the State purposely to orchestrate the destruction after which they disappear to their places of origin just like during the #EndSARS protests.

‘He promised to forward the plea of the repentant persons to the Governor for further consideration.  Most of the items returned were food provisions looted from various warehouses’.

Certain people were taken to court having been arrested at the scene of looting and judgment entered against them. They may not be repentant as the group Dachomo took to the governor. I was not privy to what happened during their presentation at Rayfield, but I know that the right thing was done.

Whatever name they may have been given can never remove the peace they now enjoy. There are more out in our communities who have these items and are not at peace despite enjoying their loot. Many have said they ‘rightly’ took what ‘belong’ to them from government, and even the individuals whose homes were vandalized in search of food items and others.

If we assume that position is right and can be defended, pray, what can you say of those who are alleged to have taken the items to markets and or sold them at the precinct of the looting? If they went to take palliative items, would they be said to be right to sell such?