Super Eagles captain Ahmed Musa has announced his plans to build a secondary school in Jos.

Musa, who announced the move on Twitter, said it was a way of giving back to his community.

 “I am not ignorant of the need to give back to my wonderful community and that is why I am excited to announce the commencement of the M & S International School project in Plateau State, Jos South Local Government Bukuru. Education is the key,” Musa wrote on Twitter.

Musa had earlier opened a neighbourhood sports centre in Kaduna.

The move to open the new school drew accolades from Nigerians on social media.

 “Well, commendable. A good development we need in our nation,” Qzim Adio tweeted.

“Almighty Allah bless you for the wonderful project,” Ade Olowojebu tweeted.

“Your sense of responsibility and charity amazed and inspired me. Well done and thank you for all you do,” Aliison Ibrahim tweeted.